In order to configure and setup campaign, you have to create a new campaign or select existing one.

If created new campaign - you will be redirected to set up page.

If selecting existing one - you will be able to set up it if it not sent yet.

Configure campaign

  1. Button to delete a campaign.
  2. Campaign name used to identify campaigns in a list.
  3. Campaign message to be sent to users.
  4. List of available variables which can be used in the message text.
  5. Campaign type:
    • Send now - the campaign will be sent immediately.
    • Schedule in future - the campaign will be sent on selected date and time.
  6. Date when to send out a campaign.
  7. Button to test configured campaign. After clicking it you will be able to select users to test with.
  8. Schedule or send configured campaign to users.

Testing campaign

In order to test campaign, you need to click button (7) and then test window will appear.

Controls of campaign test window:

  1. Current message that is configured to be sent.
  2. Selected users list to send the test message to.
  3. Button to cancel testing.
  4. Button to send a test message.