
Can be used to open a webpage in the in-app browser.


  1. Button caption will be shown when rendering button.
  2. Link to open in a browser.
  3. Use webview integrations?
  4. Webview height ratio.
  5. Use messenger extensions?
  6. The URL to use on clients that don't support messenger extensions.

Phone number

Dials a phone number when tapped.


  1. Button caption will be shown when rendering button.
  2. Valid phone number.

Actions trigger

Trigger selected templates and send it to a user.


  1. Button caption will be shown when rendering button.
  2. Templates to trigger and send to a user.

Facebook login

Allow to log in with Facebook to capture email and other selected fields.


  1. Button caption will be shown when rendering button.
  2. Fields to capture and save to a user's profile.