Adding and using own Facebook applications unlocks all platform features (when using built-in application some features are locked down).

In order to add and connect your own Facebook application proceed with steps shown below (you must have your own Facebook application created):

  1. Click on "Applications" section in the main menu.
  2. Click on "Add new Application".
  3. Fill in your application details such as APP ID, APP SECRET and Features you want to enable and click Save.
  4. After an application is successfully added go to application developer console on Facebook.
  5. Click on "Settings -> Basic".
  6. Make sure you add as App domains and website url.
  7. Click on "Add product".
  8. Select "Webhooks" from the list.
  9. In webhooks configuration section select "webhooks configuration section select "webhooks configuration section select "webhooks configuration section select "Page" topic.
  10. After selecting "Page" topic click "Subscribe to this topic" button.
  11. Configure webhook endpoint with details from platform for your added application and click "Verify and Save" button.
  12. After webhook is verified subscribe to a "webhook is verified subscribe to a "Feed" entries by selecting it from a list.
  13. To add integration for messaging click on "Add product" on the left menu.
  14. In messenger webhooks configuration section select "webhooks configuration section select "ection select "webhooks configuration section select "ection select "webhooks configuration section select "Edit events" button.
  15. In webhook configuration form select all events and click "configuration form select all events and click "Save" button.